Discover our new products by PNI
we are very pleased to inform you that we welcome a new manufacturer in our store: PNI! This emerging company from Romania has been specializing in importing and servicing electronic devices since 2004 and will now be part of our product line.

PNI started its journey as a consumer electronics specialist and later expanded its offer to include license-free radio technology, especially CB radio and PMR.

The decision for PNI was not difficult for us, because they convinced us with their wide range and their outstanding support.

With PNI at our side, we are now in a position to expand our CB radio division. In the future, you can look forward to an even wider selection of high-quality equipment and accessories that will enable you to achieve optimum radio communications.

The PNI devices are now available for order in our shop and will be shipped next week. Be among the first buyers!
Read more here
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