Fascinating solar activity:
how the sun affects amateur radio
In this newsletter, we are pleased to tell you about the importance of solar activity to amateur radio. Our Sun is a fascinating star and the engine of life on Earth. Almost all of our energy comes from it, whether in the form of solar energy or stored solar energy from fossil fuels. But for us radio amateurs, the sun has a special role because it significantly influences propagation conditions on shortwave and other frequency bands.

The Earth has a protective shell that shields us from too much solar radiation. One important layer is the ionosphere, where solar radiation can ionise the molecules in the air. This causes radio waves to bend at these layers and be deflected back to earth. This enables us to send radio signals around the world.

On our site, we offer a lot of information that will give you a deeper insight into the fascinating world of solar activity. We explain what exactly amateur radio has to do with the sun, what cycles are important to radio amateurs and what factors we depend on to send radio signals.
Update summer 2023:
If you compare the predictions for the current solar cycle number 25 and the current development, you can see that the activity is higher than expected. This is good for us radio amateurs, because more activity also means more chances for exceptionally good propagation conditions worldwide. The graph of SIDC Belgium shows different predictions (red lines) and the current sunspot relative number (yellow and blue line respectively). However, this steep increase in activity could simply mean that the maximum is not stronger, but simply arrives earlier than expected. So it remains exciting.
Learn more here
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