Experiences with the JPC-7 antenna:
A report by Marco, DD6FM
Summer is the time when the desire for portable radio grows. In a recent report on our blog, Marco, DD6FM, shares his experiences with the JPC-7 antenna, which he tested extensively in summer weather.

The JPC-7 antenna is a shortened, rigid portable dipole and allows use on the 40m to 6m bands with a transmit power of up to 100W. A particularly practical feature is that the antenna measures only about 35 cm when disassembled and weighs only 1.8 kg - ideal for portable use. In his report, Marco shows how he sets up the antenna quickly and easily and gives valuable tips on fine-tuning. In the process, he reports on his exciting QSOs during a Castle-on-the-Air excursion.

The JPC-7 antenna is versatile and offers the possibility to achieve amazingly long ranges with low power. Whether you're a radio amateur enjoying your holiday on the farm or in the vineyards, this antenna is an ideal companion for your portable activities.

Curious? Read Marco's full review on our blog now.
Click here for the full report
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