Big DXpedition to Swains Island
We would like to draw your attention to the upcoming DXpedition W8S to Swains Island, IOTA OC-200. From 4 to 17 October, a dedicated team of ten radio amateurs, including five Dutchmen, will be active. Operating in CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 modes, they will work around the clock from two camps and aim for around 75,000 QSOs.

Swains Island is one of the most searched DXCC areas, it is high on the 'Most Wanted' list. Here is a rare opportunity to work and log this coveted area. Find out more about the team and the upcoming expedition on our WiMo blog or at

Follow the team on Twitter @Swains2023 and/or on Facebook @Swains2023.

WiMo and 4O3A are providing some of the bandpass filters and the triplexer for the hexbeam for this exciting DXpedition.

We wish the team around Hans, DL6JGN, every success and keep you updated here and via social media.
πŸ”‘ Product of the week: The PK-4 miniature CW memory keyer!
πŸ“» This ultra-compact memory keyer is the must-have for radio amateurs. With an adjustable keying speed from 8 to 50 WPM, adjustable character weighting and programmable memories for a total of 120 characters, you'll take your Morse code communications to a new level. πŸ“Ά

With its listen-on buzzer and easy paddle operation, it's ideal for contests, portable use and home use. Use this miniature wonder to optimise your radio communications! πŸš€
Important note: On 2 October we will use the bridge day and extend the weekend, as we have a public holiday on 3 October.  WiMo will therefore remain closed.Our online shop is open 24/7 for you. We wish you a nice weekend.
Publish your own customer report?
Share your experience with us and other customers by writing and submitting your own customer report. We will reward your effort with a 50€ WiMo voucher when we publish your report. Your review is important to us!
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